Down East Rural Planning Organization
The Transportation Planning Division of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, in cooperation with Lenoir County and the Eastern Carolina Rural Transportation Planning Organization, is developing a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) that identifies the long range transportation needs for Lenoir County over the next thirty years. The CTP is a plan that includes roadways, rail, public transportation, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements, and the public's input is vital in developing a plan that meets the future needs of the citizens of Lenoir County.
Below you will find draft maps and recommendations for the Lenoir County CTP. There is a form below for you to provide your comments.
DRAFT Lenoir County CTP Inventory and Recommendations
DRAFT Lenoir County CTP Recommendations
The public is invited to the following drop-in workshops where there will be an opportunity to view and comment on maps of recommended future transportation improvements and ask questions about the CTP. All workshops will present the same maps and information.
May 7th, 2018 - 4-7 p.m.
LaGrange Community Center
410 East Washington Street
LaGrange, NC 28551
May 8th, 2018 - 4-7 p.m.
Lenoir County Livestock Arena
1791 NC HWY 11 South
Kinston, NC 28504
May 9th, 2018 - 4-7 p.m.
Woodmen Community Center
2602 West Vernon Ave.
Kinston, NC 28504