Nursing Home Resident Finds New Home

MFP2Mr. D. experienced a life-changing stroke early 2015. After spending time in the hospital, he went to a skilled nursing facility where he received rehabilitation services to learn to walk, use his left hand, and to speak clearly again. Once his rehabilitation benefits were exhausted, he still needed the help of others to manage the basic tasks of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, transferring, and using the restroom. This assistance was provided at the nursing home, but he still longed to be in a home of his own.

That’s where the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program came in. The facility social worker referred him to this innovative program that provides a Transition Coordinator to work collaboratively with the CAP/DA Medicaid Waiver program, Independent Living (a division of Vocational Rehabilitation in North Carolina), NC DHHS Regional Housing Targeting Program and other community supports to help qualified individuals transition back into community life with the help they need to be as independent as possible.

The ECC AAA houses a Transitions Coordinator who assists individuals wanting to explore available options for returning to the community from a nursing home. Anyone can make a referral toMFP1 the program by contacting Andi Reese at (252)6883-3185 ext. 3015 or

With the assistance of his MFP team, Mr. D. moved from the nursing home to an apartment on April 6, 2016 and will have daily help to allow him to live independently and safely. He is now in charge of his new life. And his smile says it all!

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