The next ECRPO TCC/TAC Meeting will be held at the La Grange Community Center at 9:30am, on Thursday, January 26th.

ECRPO is organized into two committees: the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC).

Transportation Advisory Committee

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is the official board that governs the RPO. The TAC is comprised of one county commissioner and one municipal elected official for each participating county along with one N.C. Board of Transportation Member.

Duplin County Commissioner Jesse Dowe
Duplin County Municipal Carolyn Kenyon Vice-Chair
Greene County Commisioner Bennie Heath
Greene County Municipal Vacant
Lenoir County Commissioner Eric Rouse Chair
Lenoir County Municipal Woodard Gurley
Wayne County Commissioner Chris Gurley
Wayne County Municipal Barbara Kornegay
Board of Transportation Melvin Mitchell
Goldsboro MPO (Ex-Officio) Austin Brinkley
duplin county airport
mount olive
gct bus
duplin transit

Technical Coordinating Committee

The Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) is a technical review committee for the TAC. The TCC is comprised of appointments from all participating local governments within the ECRPO region and NCDOT staff. The TCC reviews issues and makes recommendations to the TAC.

Duplin County
County Manager Davis Brinson
Planning/Transportation Committee Carrie Shields Vice-Chair
Transportation Coordinator Angel Venecia
Airport Authority George Futrelle
Town of Wallace Laurence Bergman
Town of Beulaville Lori Williams
Town of Kenansville Vacant
Town of Faison Vacant
Town of Calypso Rubylene Lambert
Town of Magnolia Gwendolyn Vann
Town of Rose Hill Vacant
Town of Warsaw Scotty Summerlin
Town of Greenevers Diane Brown
Greene County
County Manager Kyle DeHaven Chair
Planning/Economic Development Harold Thomas
Transportation Coordinator Misty Chase
Town of Snow Hill Todd Whaley
Town of Hookerton Bobby Taylor
Town of Walstonburg Vacant
Lenoir County
County Manager Michael James
Planning/Transportation Committee Keely Koonce
Transportation Coordinator Angie Green
Airport Authority/GTP Rick Barkes
City of Kinston Adam Short
Town of Grifton Mark Warren
Town of La Grange John Craft
Town of Pink Hill Vacant
Wayne County
County Manager Craig Honeycutt
Planning/Transportation Committee Berry Gray
Transportation Coordinator Don Willis
Airport Authority Mike Bass
Town of Mount Olive Jammie Royall
Town of Fremont Anthony Howell
Town of Seven Springs Vacant
Division 2 Jeff Cabaniss
Division 3 Chad Kimes
Division 4 Jennifer Collins
NCDOT Transportation Planning Division Natasha Henderson
Division of Highway Safety Bailey Harden

TCC and TAC Agendas, Minutes, and Presentations

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