The ECC Regional Planning Department serves as a planning resource to our members, citizens and local, state and federal organizations. We coordinate regional initiatives and provide technical assistance to our member communities.
The department offers a variety of land use planning services in the nine-county region. Planning staff advises local governments on current planning issues such as zoning, annexation, ordinance revisions and related land-use issues. Staff also draws on expertise in such areas as the environment, transportation and strategic planning to assist local governments as requested. This work includes:
Ordinance Development and Updates (such as 160D Updates, UDOs, Zoning, Subdivision, Historic Preservation, Public Nuisances, Minimum Housing, Flood Damage Prevention, and other codes)
Plans (such as Comprehensive, Land Use, Bicycle/Pedestrian)
Performing Administrative Services such as Zoning Enforcement and Planning Board / Board of Adjustment support, primarily for municipalities with limited staff
Planning Board / Board of Adjustment Training
GIS Mapping