DERPO Documents

Memorandum of Understanding - Outlines the organizational structure of the RPO and how it works.

NCDOT/ECC Planning Agreement – The agreement between NCDOT and the Eastern Carolina Council regarding the accounting and use of RPO funds.

Public Involvement Plan - Describes how the RPO involves and informs the public regarding transportation planning activities.

Planning Work Program - Describes the projects and budget for the current fiscal year.

Transportation Advisory Committee Bylaws- The rules governing the makeup of the TAC and the conduct of TAC business.

Technical Coordinating Committee Bylaws - The rules governing the makeup of the TCC and the conduct of TCC business.

Title VI Program Plan - Ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities as required by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VI Policy Statement and Notice of Nondiscrimination

Title VI Discrimination Complaint Form

List of Planning Acronyms and Concepts


Director, Down East Rural Planning Organization

Vacant [Currently being covered by Micajah (Mickey) Anderson

(252) 638-3185 ext. 3019 (office)
(252) 571-7183 (cell)

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