Area Agency On Aging


Programs & Services

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"There are only four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers."

–Rosalynn Carter

The Family Caregiver Support Program and community partners can help provide much needed support, information, or a well-deserved break from the stress of providing daily care.  This program offers a range of services to support families and informal caregivers to care for their loved ones at home for as long as possible. This program does not pay caregivers to provide continuous care for their loved ones but rather it is a temporary assistance program that provides five types of services. Services include:

  • Information about available services and resources to help families in their caregiver roles.
  • Assistance to families in gaining access to services from a variety of public and private agencies.
  • Caregiver Support to help families cope with the emotional and physical stress associated with caregiving.
  • Caregiver Respite Care options are available for caregivers through Caregiver Respite Vouchers or nursing assistants/aides in home who perform a wide range of tasks while also providing temporary respite for the caregiver.
  • Limited Supplemental Services to complement care provided by eligible caregivers. Supplemental services include limited support with incontinence supplies, liquid nutrition supplements, equipment, and devices.


Eligibility Requirements

Under the Family Caregiver Support Program, the caregiver is the client.

To qualify for the Family Caregiver Support Program caregivers must reside in the service area of Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Pamlico, and Wayne counties. Caregivers must be one of the following.

  • A person of any age providing unpaid care for an older adult age 60 or older or providing care to an individual with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementia.
  • A relative caregiver (not a parent), age 55 or older living with and raising a relative child aged 18 or under or living with and raising an adult child (age 19-59) with a disability.


In addition to the eligibility presented above, the Older Americans Act specifies that the caregiver receiving Respite or Supplemental services must be taking care of a care recipient who meets the definition of ‘‘frail.’’ “Frail means that the older individual is determined to be functionally impaired because the individual—

(A)(i) is unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial human assistance, including verbal reminding, physical cueing, or supervision; or

(B) due to a cognitive or other mental impairment, requires substantial supervision because the individual behaves in a manner that poses a serious health or safety hazard to the individual or to another individual.”


Local Family Caregiver Support Specialists

Caregiver services vary in each county and are based on the availability of funding. For further information on services that are available in your County, please contact your county Family Caregiver Support Program:

  • Leon Mann Jr. Enrichment Center (Carteret County), 252-247-2626
  • Eastern Carolina Council, 252-638-3185
  • Havelock Senior Center, 252-444-6423
  • Duplin County Senior Services, 910-296-2140
  • Greene County Senior Center, 252-747-5436
  • Jones County Department of Social Services/Senior Center, 252-448-1001
  • Lenoir County Council on Aging, 252-527-1545
  • Onslow Senior Services, 910-455-2747
  • Pamlico Senior Services, 252-745-3488
  • Prime Time (Oriental NC), 252-675-0909
  • Wayne County Services on Aging, 919-731-1591


FAQ's About the Family Caregiver Support Program

Can I get paid for caring for my relative by the Family Caregiver Support Program?

No.  Unfortunately, North Carolina’s Family Caregiver Support Program does not have sufficient funding to offer pay for family care, although it is provided in certain other states.  If the care receiver is receiving home care paid for by Medicaid, the family caregiver can sometimes be hired to provide the Medicaid care.  Such arrangements are made by your county Department of Social Services, Adult Medicaid Office.

 What do you mean by respite?

Respite care services provide caregivers with intermittent, occasional, and emergency support or living arrangements for care recipients to provide a period of rest or relief from caregiving responsibilities.

How much assistance can I receive?

Family Caregiver Support services are “temporary” (a short period of relief, falling into intermittent, occasional, or emergency assistance.)  The Family Caregiver Support Program service is not to supplant (supersede or replace; state or local funds) but shall supplement other funded services.



Free Online Caregiver Informational Portal

North Carolina's new online Caregiver Portal is designed for families. Articles, videos, tip-sheets, and professional level training offers something for everyone.

Our learning portal helps family caregivers reduce stress, find local resources and provide better care for their loved ones.

For more information contact:

January Brown, Lead Aging Consultant at or 252-638-3185, ext. 3011


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