FREE FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Financial Administration Training – April 10 – Pembroke, NC – Sponsored by NCARCOG

The North Carolina Association of Regional Councils of Governments (NCARCOG) is made up of the Eastern Carolina Council and the other 15 councils of government (COGS) in NC. In 2023-24, ECC and the other COGS provided FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Financial Administration Training in each of the regions.

NCARCOG is continuing its commitment to support local governments by providing an updated version of the training in a one-day format based on changes in FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program requirements. In eastern NC, this training will take place on Thursday, April 10, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Lumber River Council of Governments in Pembroke, NC. This training is free of charge. Lodging is not included with the training. There are a number of hotels available in Lumberton, between 8-10 miles from the COG.

This training is designed to help local communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. This training is highly beneficial for local government staff with financial administration responsibilities, first responders and emergency management professionals, local administrators, and elected officials.

To register, send an email to with the name of the individual attending the course, any dietary requirements, and any accommodation needs. Registrations must be received by Friday, April 4, 2025.

Disaster Recovery PA Financial Administration Training Flyer_Lumber River_041025
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