The Eastern Carolina Rural Transportation Planning Organization (ECRPO) serves Duplin, Greene, Lenoir and Wayne Counties. The RPO was formed to involve rural county and local governments and the public in planning transportation systems for their area. These systems include highways, bikeways, pedestrian walkways, rail systems, seaports and ferry systems. The twenty RPOs covering North Carolina include all areas that are not covered by an MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization). An MPO is a city with a population of 50,000 or more. Within the Eastern Carolina RPO area is the Goldsboro MPO.
RPO Goals and Duties
- Develop long-range local and regional transportation plans (highways, railways, bike/ped, and aviation) in cooperation with other area planning organizations and the North Carolina Department of
Transportation (NCDOT).
- Provide a forum for public participation in the rural transportation planning process.
- Develop and prioritize transportation projects which the RPO believes should be included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
- Provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons.
- Conduct transportation-related studies and surveys for local governments and other interested entities/organizations.
Mission Statement
The Eastern Carolina Rural Planning Organization exists to serve as an intergovernmental organization for local elected officials, the NC Department of Transportation, and residents of the region to work cooperatively to address transportation issues and to develop long-range local and regional multi-modal transportation plans to sustain and improve the quality of life for residents of the region and throughout the State of North Carolina.
ECRPO is governed by a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) made up of elected officials from member counties and municipalities, as well as the local member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation. There is also a Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC), made up of staff from local governments, transit systems, airports, and NCDOT. The TCC provides technical recommendations to the TAC. The two committees typically have a joint meeting on the third Thursday every-other month or as needed. The committees will be meeting at the La Grange Community Center starting August 18th.
Micajah (Mickey) Anderson
Director, Eastern Carolina Rural Planning Organization
PO BOX 1717
New Bern, NC 28560