Tiny Houses: Not So Tiny Challenges Workshop – April 21, 2017

When:                  Friday, April 21, 2017

Where:                301 N. Pine St., Pink Hill, NC (Lenoir County near Kinston)

Time:                    10: 00 AM to 3:00 PM

This workshop is in conjunction with a Tiny House Festival so participants will be able to actually view a number of tiny houses and talk with their designers and builders. Lunch is free to participants.  Those representing ECC member governments may attend free of charge, for others the cost is $25 per person.  Below is the Agenda.  To register send an email with pertinent information (name(s), affiliation, email address) to eccadmin@eccog.org by April 17th. Questions?  Contact ECC Planning Director Patrick Flanagan at pflanagan@eccog.org or 252.638.3185 x 3031.  No registrations at the door—nonrefundable payment in advance only. Make checks payable to Eastern Carolina Council and mail to PO Box 1717, New Bern, NC 28563-1717 along with the email you sent to register.  This workshop has been approved for four (4) AICP CM credits.

Tiny House Workshop Agenda