What is the Senior Tar Heel Legislature?
The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature (NCSTHL) was created as a nonpartisan, unicameral body by the North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) with the passage of Senate Bill 479 in July of 1993.
The Senior Tar Heel Legislature was created to:
- Provide information to senior citizens on the legislative process and matters being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly.
- Promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the North Carolina General Assembly.
- Assess the legislative needs of older citizens by convening a forum modeled after the North Carolina General Assembly.
Senior Tar Heel Legislators meet three times a year—March, June, and October, usually in Raleigh, to advocate on behalf of older persons. They have four officers: Speaker, Speaker Pro Tempore, Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, and Secretary. Each year the legislators choose the top five legislative priorities. Delegates and alternates from each county advocate with the North Carolina General Assembly for the passage of legislation to improve the lives of older adults.
North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislative Priorities: https://ncseniortarheellegislature.org/250-2/
For further information visit: ncseniortarheellegislature.org
Who are Senior Tar Heel Legislature?
- Each of North Carolina’s 100 counties may select one delegate and one alternate to the NCSTHL for a two-year term.
- Appointees must be aged 60+ and a resident of North Carolina.
- The NCSTHL is unicameral and nonpartisan.
- Candidates for appointment are credentialed through the state’s 16 Area Agencies on Aging.
If you are interested in becoming an Senior Tar Heel Legislative Delegate or Alternate member, please contact January Brown at jbrown@eccog.org or (252) 638-3185, ext., 3011.
Meeting Information
The Senior Tar Heel Legislative members meet quarterly on the second Monday every quarter from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. These meetings are held in January, April, July, and October.
Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging
233 Middle Street, 3rd Floor, New Bern, NC, 28563
Meeting Schedule
Monday, October 9, 2023
Monday, April 8, 2024
Monday, July 8, 2024
Monday, October 14, 2024
Previous Meetings Minutes and Agendas:
07.10.2023 (Agenda, Minutes)
04.10.2023 (Agenda, Minutes)
01.09.2023 (Minutes)
04.11.2022 (Minutes)
07.06.2023 (Minutes)
01.04.2021 (Minutes)
04.12.2021 (Minutes)
07.12.2021 (Minutes)
10.04.2021 (Minutes)
01.06.2020 (Minutes)
01.07.2019 (Minutes)
04.01.2019 (Minutes)
07.01.2019 (Minutes)
10.07.2019 (Minutes)
04.09.2018 (Minutes)
07.09.2018 (Minutes)
10.08.2018 (Minutes)
01.09.2017 Cancelled
02.01.2017 (Minutes)
04.09.2017 (Minutes)
07.10.2017 No Meeting
10.02.2017 (Minutes)
01.11.2016 (Minutes)
04.04.2016 (Minutes)
07.11.2016 (Minutes)
10.03.2016 (Minutes)
STHL Webite: http://www.ncsthl.org/index.html
For more information about this program contact:
Heather O'Connor
Area Agency on Aging Director
252-638-3185 ext. 3012