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Carbon Reduction Plan Information

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Public Law 117-58, also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”) (BIL) into law. The BIL authorizes a new Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) codified in 23 United States Code (U.S.C.) 175 to reduce transportation emissions. The Transportation Planning Division is pleased to inform you that we are accepting applications to fund projects within the Rural Planning Organizations’ boundaries.

Roughly $9.7 million is available per fiscal year to fund a wide range of projects that reduce emissions. Eligible activities as identified in the statute are as follows: traffic management, truck stop electrification, public transportation, transportation alternatives, advanced transportation, and congestion management technologies, intelligent transportation systems, development of a carbon reduction strategy, travel demand management, efforts to reduce the impacts of freight movement, deployment of alternative fuel vehicle, diesel engine retrofits, traffic flow improvements that do not involve the construction of new capacity, and projects that reduce transportation emissions at port facilities. Other projects may be eligible with a demonstration of emission reductions.

Municipalities, county governments, and public transit agencies are eligible to apply. As funds are available year round, there is no deadline for new grant applications. The program will continue through at least FY 2026.

DERPO gets twelve total submittals: four submittals for communities between 5,000 and 49,999 (Morehead City and Havelock), and eight for communities under 5,000 (all other communities in the region). The minimum project cost is $100,000, and there will be a 20% local match. The program is a reimbursement program, so funds will need to be available in advance.

Last fiscal year, two sidewalk projects were funded in Pollocksville and Atlantic Beach, which brought approximately $1 million in CRP funds to the DERPO region.

For more information about the Carbon Reduction Program or project eligibility, please email Becca Eversole at the contact information below or Mark Eatman of NCDOT's Transportation Planning Division at

Carbon Reduction Program RPO Summary Sheet (.pdf)

Carbon Reduction Program FAQs (.pdf)

CRP Implementation Guidance (.pdf)

CRP Local Match Calculator (.xls)

NCDOT CRP Application (.pdf)


Director, Down East Rural Planning Organization

Vacant [Currently being covered by Micajah (Mickey) Anderson

(252) 638-3185 ext. 3019 (office)
(252) 571-7183 (cell)

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