Draft State Transportation Improvement Program – Public Comment Period Open!
January 31 - April 4
What is the State Transportation Improvement Program?
The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) identifies the construction funding and scheduling of transportation projects at the state level over a 10-year period. Although federal law requires the plan to be updated every four years, the N.C. Department of Transportation proactively updates it every two years to ensure it accurately reflects the state’s current financial situation.
What is the purpose of the meetings?
The N.C. Department of Transportation is inviting the public to provide feedback on the Draft 2026-2035 State Transportation Improvement Program. The STIP is developed under the Strategic Transportation Investments law (STI), which established the Strategic Mobility Formula.
Over the past 18 months, NCDOT has worked closely with the public, legislature, local planning organizations, and other stakeholders to implement this law and develop the Draft STIP.
As part of this effort, NCDOT will host regional drop-in sessions across the state between February 17 and March 17, 2025. These sessions and the broader outreach effort aim to gather input on:
- The variety and geographic diversity of projects;
- The process used to develop the STIP;
- Ideas for improvement.
Your Input Matters
This communication is an invitation to participate in shaping North Carolina’s transportation network. The public comment period will run from January 31, 2025, to April 4, 2025.
If you cannot attend an in-person session, you can view and prioritize projects and submit your comments electronically via PublicInput.com at: https://publicinput.com/2026-2035-stip-development.
Additional information about public input is available at https://www.ncdot.gov/initiatives-policies/Transportation/stip/development/Pages/public-input.aspx. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to participate in public meetings. Anyone requiring special services should contact Ronald Coleman at rcoleman2@ncdot.gov or 919-707-7050 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
All comments, regardless of how they are submitted, will be given equal consideration.
For additional information on the STIP Prioritization process and a written form that you can use to submit your input in writing, visit NCDOT STIP Public Input Form or use the QR Code below:
Next Steps
After the public comment period concludes, NCDOT will review and address all comments. Feedback will be shared with the Board of Transportation and the Final 2026-2035 STIP is expected to be approved by the Board of Transportation in Summer 2025.